Actual Financial Figures

A Breakdown


While the project can be considered successful in terms of fulfilling many of its initial objectives, it was not a clear success from a financial perspective. Investment costs grew significantly due to unforeseen modifications to the construction plan as well as the decision to add technological elements, such as vehicle-location and security systems. Income from advertising, retail and bathrooms, turned out to be considerably lower than initial projections. However, the incorporation of a hospital and the Mexibus BRT station, both not considered in the initial project, turned out to be important revenue sources. Interestingly, the actual retail income for 2017 was very similar to the projections made in 2006.



Investment Summary of Financial Projections
(Softec 2006)
Actual Figures from COMURSA’s 2017 Budget for Mexipuerto
(Figures in 2006 Mexican Pesos)
Land $40,000,000 $40,000,000
Construction $383,418,020 $561,723,858
Indirect Costs $69,120,453 $180,055,838
Additional Investment Costs (Technology) not included $20,455,669.37
Total Investment $492,538,474 $802,235,366
Retail $61,525,188 $62,426,811
Advertising $7,488,000 $3,965,003
Parking $11,273,472 $3,537,830
Transit Fees $3,316,404 $10,226,142
Bathrooms $3,200,000 $1,248,000
Health Sector not included $12,853,524
Total Annual Revenues $86,803,064 $94,257,310
Annual Costs    
Operations & Maintenance $6,857,442 $46,942,709
Net Annual Income $79,945,622 $47,314,601